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Dos Años Sin Ricardo y Antonio: ¡Acción Global Contra la Impunidad!
Mes de Acción Global por la Desaparición Forzada de Ricardo Lagunes Gasca y Antonio Díaz Valencia

What we do

Find Ivan Torres
His son Ivan Torres disappeared in the hands of the police in Chubut in 2003
The Inter-American Court condemned Argentina and ordered to search for his wereabout
Freedom and Dignity
In Tacoma WA, the Northwest Processing Center (NWPC), a 1,600 bed jail run by a corporation, houses immigrants waiting for their cases to be resolved or their deportation in punitive conditions. We are raising funds for our Public Interest Law work, reimagining immigration without cages in WA, creating awareness around human rights abuses at the civil prison and following the vision of our immigrant community for rethinking redress by telling their
freedom stories.
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